Multimedia is the use of computers to present and combine text, sound, images, animation, and video with tools and links so that users can navigate, interact, create and communicate.
In education, multimedia is used as a teaching medium, both in the classroom and individually. In the business, multimedia is used as media for company profiles, product profiles, even as media for information kiosks and training in e-learning systems.
In the beginning, multimedia only included media that was the consumption of the sense of sight (still images, text, video motion pictures, and fictional/animated motion pictures) and the consumption of the sense of hearing (sound). In its development, multimedia includes kinetic (motion) and smell, which are the conspiracy of the sense of smell. Multimedia began to incorporate kinetic elements since it was applied to 3-dimensional film performances combined with movements in the seats where the audience sat. Kinetic and 3-dimensional movies give a realistic sense.
With the rapid development of multimedia technology, Gonzaga College High School is required to be able to produce graduates who can utilize, even produce multimedia works. With such demands, Gonzaga College High School created a special room called the Multimedia Room. This multimedia room is intended for all types of learning that have to do with the development of learning through the senses of sight, hearing, motion, and others. So with a designation that demands high enough performance facilities, this room is supported by 40 units of computers that currently have adequate specifications with Core i5 Processors, 21-inch LCD visual displays connected to the control server. With this network system, the instructor can control the 40 units of computers so that student activities can be monitored, and it can also share visuals with other PCs and others. This facility is expected to be able to equip students for the next level of education or the working world.