The school managed by the Jesuits aims to train young people into excellent human beings in the academic field that encourages them to progress in the fields of science and technology. In terms of conscientious sensitivity, young people are encouraged to recognize themselves more, develop the ability to cultivate a spiritual life, and have sufficient knowledge and experience about society and all its problems. In order to foster a spirit of compassion, young people are encouraged to open their hearts to solidarity with and dare to endure the suffering of others. To foster the values above, young people are also encouraged to build a commitment to upholding their faith and fighting for changes in social, political, social structures and nature in our country in a peaceful way to achieve justice.
Therefore, the International Seminar on Ignatian Pedagogy and Spirituality (SIPEI – Seminario Internacional Sobre Pedagogía y Espiritualidad Ignacianas) held in Manresa, Spain in 2014 discusses these four values as the pillars and background of Jesuit education. Below is an explanation of the four C of the seminar which is complemented by profiles of Jesuit school graduates in Indonesia along with the Action Statement from a meeting of Educationist Delegates of Jesuit schools around the world in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2017. The following is an explanation along with two values which are also developed at Gonzaga College High School.
Competence, according to Father Adolfo Nicolás SJ (the highest leader of the Society of Jesus in the 2008-2015 period), is the academic ability to advance science and technology. In other words, competence is the academic aspect that an individual possesses which leads him to in-depth knowledge, development of talents, skills, and the right abilities to achieve an effective professional achievement for human excellence. In short, competence is a person’s ability to do something efficiently and competently so that they can be relied on. Competent students are those who can interact with reality, learn to be amazed and amazed by reality, ask questions about this reality and can understand and solve problems that arise. A competent person is a person who continually learns to live; who must learn from the world, and at the same time transform it. So, a competent person is a person who can create, understand, and use knowledge and skills to live in its context then change it. A competent person means being able to work and develop together with other people; promotes collaboration rather than competition. In the Education Quality Standards for the Indonesian Jesuit School, a competent person is not only competent in academic strength but also has an unyielding spirit (perseverantia, grit, nggetih), and also physically fit.
Conscience is an intrinsic ability of an individual to sort and weigh between the good and the right decisions when taking an action. Thus, the person of conscience is a person who, apart from knowing himself, has proper knowledge and experience about society and all the imbalances that occur in it. They see the world as God sees it, explores the beauty and goodness of man and creation. They are also aware of the suffering, misery, and injustice that occur in the world. Education in the Jesuit schools shapes the morality and character of its students to strive for the common good with deep reflection and concrete actions that are appropriate. To achieve this endeavor, exploring and deepening of Ignatian Spirituality for students needs to be pursued and developed so that they feel accompanied by God who sending His Holy Spirit to help educators and students in exploring and sorting out the traces of our lives by imitating Jesus of Nazareth. The wealth of Ignatian Spirituality that can be further developed is the Daily Examen of Consciousness which invites students to consider what can make their lives better and closer to what God wants for their lives and the environment in which they live. By doing the Examen of Consciousness, students learn to listen to their conscience as well as take a path into their interiority where Allah is present and speaking. When they are accustomed entering into their interiority and conscience, these students can progressively undergo the Ignatian discernment process so their lives are more directed towards the will of Allah and the name of Allah will be glorified. A person with a conscience should show that he is reflective, grateful, and faithful.
Compassion is a prerequisite for positive action and not just a feeling of compassion for an individual or group. Compassion involves human dignity and the personal value that God loves. In short, compassion is the will and readiness attitude of a person to live with those who are suffering. The figure of reference of compassion is Jesus who understands our weaknesses but still denounces injustice. Thus, a compassionate person is a person who is able to develop feelings of compassion towards sensitivity to justice and solidarity with others. Intensive experience with the poor plays an important role in training oneself to be more compassionate. Experience and reflection about the poor are very important to bring students to solidarity so the educators and students can become agents of change and work together to realize God’s dream. Those who are compassionate show empathy, are generous in helping others, and have a special concern for the weak and the poor.
Commitment cannot be separated from compassion because it is always focused on upholding faith and efforts to change social, political, and social structures for the realization of justice. In other words, a committed person is a person who does courageous actions to enforce faith and justice. Including building an ecological commitment that loves the natural environment. Commitment to social justice is always related to commitment to the environment. A committed person should experience a transformative event that helps him to open his heart and mind so, he will excel in solidarity with those who are suffering, unlucky, and oppressed. Committed individuals show a leadership spirit who is self-aware, ingenuity (innovating and adapting), full of love, and has a spirit of heroism (having a vision of the future and striving to make it happen).
Character education at Gonzaga College High School develops values of human excellence to form a competent, conscientious, compassionate, and committed personality. Students can also explore the spirit of honesty and simplicity.
Humility originates from the Latin word humus, which means earth. Humility is not related to meekness or weakness. It also does not mean being unassuming or submissive. Humility is an attitude of spiritual modesty that comes from understanding our place in a larger order. We can also view humility as a strength of character. It is an essential component of moral character, expressed through modesty, empathy, acknowledgment, and respect for others. As a strength of character, humility can be seen as the opposite of pride, arrogance, and an exaggerated sense of self. It is based on a fundamental attitude of care and compassion towards others.
The term integrity itself originates from the Latin word “integrate,” which means:
A firm attitude against corruption, adherence to principles, and a foundation for relating to oneself as a moral value. A quality, characteristic, or condition that demonstrates complete unity, possessing the potential and capability to carry out authority, dignity, and honesty. It is important to emphasize that honesty in this context is not merely talk or rhetorical embellishment but also action. There is a consistency between what is said and what is done. Therefore, integrity is a personal quality where an individual upholds honesty and has strong moral principles. Conversely, simplicity manifests in activities that are useful and beneficial to oneself and others. In the context of education, this simplicity can be realized through the optimal use of facilities and infrastructure for self-development, a strong work ethic in studying, and self-improvement.
Gonzaga College high school students are expected to be a humanist with characters such as competence, conscience, compassion, commitment, humility, and integrity. With a good personality like this, they are expected to become agents of change for a better life. A person who truly serves and shares for each other: men and women for others. All of this is directed only For the greater glory of God. Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam.
“Action Statement “to Act as a Universal Body with a Universal Mission”.” Rio de Janeiro: International Congress For Jesuit Education Delegates Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2017.
ASJI, (Asosiasi Sekolah Jesuit Indonesia).
Standar Mutu Pendidikan Sekolah Yesuit. Jakarta: Penerbit Asosiasi Sekolah Jesuit Indonesia, 2017.
Secretariat for Education, Society of Jesus.
“Jesuit Education Aims to Human Excellence: Men and Women of Conscience, Competence, Compassion, and Commitment.” Rome: Society of Jesus, 2015.